How far is too far? Obsession with analytics and feedback

Press Coverage Done Right: A Story Of Social Media, PR And Stalking is an article that was posted today by Michael Brenner. Michael will no doubt be excited about all the Google Analytics his blog is wracking up today. However, it might be a little downer when he realizes they're all from me. My bad.

I can be all cool and talk big about how not to bother Journalists, and what the best way to keep up with their coverage and know when to pounce on a good story pitch. However, how can I be all cool, and not bother myself?

I confess. I have a problem. I have a google analytic addiction. This goes back to a previous post about being over informed and having too much information at your fingertips.

I analyzed what I would say, made sure I could provide back up links to relevant information, and I set my clock for when Michael said the blog would be live. I was so excited to see it. It's my first interview. To me, this equals Oprah. I'm pretty excited. (I'll let you know if Michael has a "Brenner Effect" at a later date).

After I sent the email to my mother (She's my biggest fan), I tweeted a couple times, and posted the article on Linkedin. This wasn't my post after all, it cited me. So, I can't be too aggressive with my posting or I'll just be tooting my own horn. However, here I am blogging about blogging because I don't think my numbers are high enough. (toot toot.)

Yes, I understand what this looks like. But I've already said I have a problem... I can't help it. Same with my work analytics. I send emails for B2B marketing for a technology company just about monthly. We use Salesforce for analytics and I'm addicted to watching the numbers go up as the email goes out. Who's opening? Who's ignoring? And GASP--who just unsubscribed?! 

Each number, each part of my ROI point is personal. What can I do better next time? How can I make changes? There has got to be an easier way...

Meanwhile, we're looking into social media monitoring software, I'm testing new gadgets for my personal blog and learning how to take them to the enterprise level for work. All these things will help my addiction. Or will they enable my addiction? hmm...only time will tell. 

Am I alone here? please say no, please say no, please say no, please say no, please say no, please say no...