21 Ads You'll Love

Or, more appropriately entitled "21 Ads You Won't Hate" by BusinessWeek. I originally saw this post on Twitter, (Thanks @HelenWalters).

This is a great article with quick links to a bunch of ads from 2009 that made the most creative list. One of my favorites is number #21 Boone Oakley's You Tube Website. It's a little bit of twisted humor wrapped in an unsuspecting scribbled "website" on youtube.

I've just fell in love with Billy, their Marketing Director who was killed by his wife to set an example for all others who may fall into the Madison Avenue trap. You'll have to see it for yourself to get the full appreciation of this hardly "little" company.

Follow @booneoakley, or visit their webpage: http://www.booneoakley.com/ --which incidentally just goes to the youtube show :)

Words that make my day

It's Friday, so I figure a nonsense blog was in order. I like to fancy myself a writer, but I'm really not. I believe a true writer would be at home in her loft office looking out the window, large cup of coffee in one hand, twitter in the other, Labrador at her feet, thinking of the next chapter.

Instead, I'm sitting in my gray office, cold coffee next to a keyboard--wishing I could fit several of my favorite words into marketing literature. None of this will probably make sense, but it doesn't have to, it's my blog :)

Favorite words I wish I could use: snark, smitten, heckova, certifiable, fabulous, nice, muddling, aficionado, gazillion, instincts, genius, nice, or any mild profanity...

Happy weekend, I'm ready for a margarita.

Marketing people will one day, rule the world

... ok, maybe not :) BUT-- I was impressed, yet again to hear that another Marketing MBA has risen! Dave Patzwald, who holds an MBA in Marketing, is the CIO of Schneider Electric. (read more about Dave) He has re-branded his IT department. By hosting parties, filming funny videos, and giving his team a creative environment to work in, Patzwald has been able to make his department a little more "human". Read all about it in this week's CIO Magazine Making IT Fun Again by Kristin Burnham.

But Dave... where is your Twitter? Where is your blog? A guy with these great ideas and momentum should take advantage! Don't let us IT marketeers down! :)

If you have your google alerts all set up, or you've had your daily dose of ego surfing, I hope you find my little blog, and have uploaded your video to YouTube. Send me a tweet, and let me know where I can see it. Either way, well done. I'm glad to see you're thinking ahead!


I'm going to have to say this was an amazing event! I am very happy about our leads, and booth success (read about the business side here). But I've got to blog about how amazing this event was.

Being a Houstonian for my entire career, I've been to several Oil & Gas trade shows--and they can't hold a candle to the SAPPHIRE event in Orlando Florida. Right when you walk in, you see the SAP brand splashed and literally spotlighted across every wall, poster, and aisle. Each photo as the SAP gray subtle hues, tinted as a calming color pallet. This against their YELLOW and BLUE colors really looked amazing. The theme was clearly (no pun intended) "Clarity". The subtle, yet in your face multimedia played against three story tall screens. Keynote speeches were not to be missed as the little ladies held up signs to let you know what was going on, and where you needed to be.

Now, I realize they may not have sold as much exhibitor space as they had hoped, but the lounge areas with giant black leather couches proved to be a wise investment for attendees and exhibitors. Those who weren't lucky enough to have on-booth meeting space were able to enjoy a quick prospect meeting just steps away from any booth.

I kept hearing how small this SAPPHIRE was compared to past events. WOW. Really? I thought it was ginormous. I was impressed. We also brought home more qualified leads than the past three years. Perhaps there is something to be said about a "select few". Who ever pulls this event off every year, well done! You guys are AWESOME.

We were even amaze at the FREEMAN staff who began tearing down the event in seconds, carpet was rolling up, crates were being delivered... (and special thanks to the Novell who tolorated our popcorn machine and let us borrow their vacuum cleaner!)

Hey Twit! I'm a Facebooker!

I did it! I'm an official twitter-er. (tweeter?) I think I've actually got the hang of this... and if I'm successful at my first official business TWEET, then @aurisauris will answer my request for someone with the Houston Chronicle Spanish section to write about Sergio Banuet, our latest transplant from Mexico! Wait, that sounds like a medical operation... he was the VP of Mexico Operations, but is now heading up the Houston Business Developement for Atos Origin. He is very engaging, I hope we get some face time!
I've also been able to locate some of the Houston Business Journalists, some people from the Chronical. FINALLY, I get to see some personality in these people to see how they would like to be approached. It looks like some people were forced to open a twitter account, but only sent one shout-out, thats it. Some have really got the hang of it and even have some LV purse connections... nice!
check me out. My tweets are to the right. ------>
Our facebook group is here

Using YouTube, the right way...

Ok, so this is a shameless plug for Atos Origin... BUT there is a reason to posting the video. It looks like MetaStorm really knows what they are doing. They have used YouTube to post professional videos of clients, event participants, and have done a great job. If I can search for Atos Origin, and they come up... well done them.
When I grow up, I want to be like MetaStorm.

Even the deli has a big screen

So this is my first post. My boss is making me do it.

As we walked into the office deli next door we were greeted with a 42" flant panel screen. Wow. As an employee of an IT company you wouldn't think such simple technology would be a big deal - but it is. We have tried to get a flat panel screen in our office lobby for months. Yes, you could call the computer monitor we have set up on a side table a success, but compared to the deli's flatscreen we've got nothing. It's big and fancy and people like it. Now, I apologize I didn't have my phone with me to take a picture, but I've got something even better:

Hopefully, I can post soon about our new fancy big screen.

Picket Marketing?

Seriously? Is this what we've come to? This guy, (below under the Post Oak Blvd sign by the Houston Galleria) is presumably "Bart". He is there every morning in a suit and tie, holding his sign.

And if you check out his website, it looks like he has his kids as part of his marketing campaign... wow. http://www.bartami.com/

I wish I had more followers of my blog (ok ONE follower to my blog) that could give me some feedback on what they they of this! I dont know if I'm shocked, stunned, proud, or what. This guy is out there every morning. I'd love to know if he has picked up any business, or even a news spot or two. Surely, he has a PR manager, huh?

Best-in-class Cliches

Best in class, state of the art, cutting edge... my thought is, if it says "State of the art" --It simply "isn't". I think this is the Paramount of all pet peeves...and I have a lot. (using "..." all the time, along with ! is also a pet peeve of mine, but when I blog... I do it all the time, so we are going to skip that one.)

http://www.marketing.fm/2006/06/17/marketing-cliches/ This site even posted the top 10 offenders for stock photography cliches. ah... the hairy knuckles shaking hands: one of my fav's. One of our brochures has two chicks shaking hands, the fake nails are even more disturbing for some reason.

This is an ace up your sleeve... Gartner has even written their own paper about how "not" to make your corporate overview. This was great, but of course, my corporate overview had everything on the no-no list: pie charts, revenue going up, talking about people as our greatest asset... and all that jazz.

To be blunt, this site has the entire enchilada: http://suspense.net/whitefish/cliche.htm
Basically, anything on this list should never be said or written.

Needless to say, I've added some lame cliche's in here for ya, just to show you how annoying it is.

First Blog

This is my first time.... so, this other chick and I decided that there should be yet another blog in the blogosphere. We have to create one for work, so what better way to see how it works, than to create your very own!

Taking our research so far, we should probably gather up a few basic themes, sections, and decide on a personality of this blog.

I'm the cool one, she is the pretty one. Together, we're pretty cool.

...more to come