Reinventing yourself, Reinventing your company

With Paul Stewart, North America CEO
I've been a part of a technology company now for 3 1/2 years. I am fortunate enough to be able to work with the North America CEO, Paul Stewart, sitting just down the hall from me, and have been able to meet several of the C-levelers from across the pond. In my first year at Atos Origin, (and my first trip to Paris) I met then CEO, Bernard Bourigeaud at a marketing communications meeting. he was very cordial, had no real speech... just stopping by. 
Paris 2007, Just before Beijing Games
I met our newest CEO Thierry Breton when he first took his position in 2009. Naturally I admired his curly locks. I even had to google him to see if I was the first one to mention his fabulous hair (I wasn't). He offered a lot of news regarding the financial side of the company. He had a swift presence that let you know big changes were coming, and the change would be good.
This year, I was able to meet Gilles Grapinet (yes he has nice hair too). Mr. Grapinet attended our Global Marketing meeting in Paris back in April. He spoke after our Sales Director Hervé Payan with a quick speech on how marketing will play a large part in helping change the company in a way I had never thought of before.
His voice was soft, capturing attention of 20 chatty marketeers. He started with the story of evolution for television. He explained how they were easy to sell-all TVs had the same technology, and we all wanted one. Instead of becoming a commodity, and being a simple choice of price, the TV kept reinventing itself. Now, nearing 100 years later, the television is still being reinvented.
Mr. Grapinet says Atos Origin should follow this model. There will always be services that are contingent on price, but us marketeers will be the ones to help promote the newest most advanced solutions to become an "enhanced business function". He used an example of cellphones, and how companies offer them for free, yet we wait in line for hours to spend over $400 on the latest smartphone. So true!
So, what am I getting at? I'm trying to say that (besides being a great speaker), Mr. Grapinet really has a point here. As marketing managers, we don't create the technology, but we must be able to utilize the "best of the best" thought leaders. We must make sure other companies know about our solutions before they even know they need it. It is our job to make sure those innovative thinkers get their time in the spotlight.
It has been 3 months since this meeting. We have implemented thought leadership into our Facebook account, the marketing department has dove into ways of working more strategically with our partners, our CIO/CTO Atos Origin Blog is more popular than ever, more training and a new way of thinking is afoot.

Stay tuned folks, Atos Origin has an entire community of smart folk, and we're not afraid to use it.

Feeling tweet-ledee or tweet-ledumb?

So how do you chose a technology to promote your business? Do you need to use all of them? If you don't know what to do, do you do nothing? I saw an article called "To Tweet or Not to Tweet" on a cover of some magazine that was inadvertently thrown away before I had a chance to read it. (happens a lot) So I google it today, and there are multiple articles ranging from The Huffington Post, The New York TimesSuccess Magazine, and blogs.  There are several arguments for each faucet of every opinion, but this is my blog, so I'm just giving you my non-referencable opinion :)
Let's say I want to buy something whether it's a pair of shoes, hotel stay, housekeeping service, a new house, or a new laptop, I'm going google it. I'll check for references, likes-dislikes, are they innovative, is it cutting-edge, endorsements, corporate culture, and more...If I'm tweeting, facebooking, blogging, and at minimum have updated websites I can steer my prospects and customers to the content I want them to read.
My point is, if you are not active in these spaces, you will be lost. Your great offerings, custom designed printed flyers might never make it in the hands of your client before they make a decision. Its our job as marketeers to make certain everyone can find our products and services.
So back to my point. Do you NEED to be in all of these spaces? My answer is no. And yes :) As you become comfortable with each of the new tools, implement them into your daily routine. Kind of like a diet or exercise regim. Slowly implement at a regular speed so it becomes a part of your every day. If you try to do everything all at once you're going to just quit, and end up fat. end up off the SEO radar!
My co-worker asked me the other day, but do you really think Facebook, blogging, and twitter will last forever? Nope, I don't.... nothing lasts forever, but this is part of evolution and we're in it. So embrace it!
I'm going to be working on this theory with our new SAP Global Campaign for Atos Origin. So far, I have a twitter and facebook page. They virtually have the same content, but soon they will  be picked up by other global marketeers and Atos Origin SAP users around the globe. I'll keep you updated...

My new title: Jack of all Trades

So, I'm sitting down this morning with my work mentor (I like to refer to it as my personal counseling), and we came to the conclusion that being a "Jack of all Trades" isn't all bad.

I decided a long time ago I liked design. Then, I decided I liked PR, no wait--trade shows...and multimedia..oh! Maybe I should just be a "marketeer"? Well, I've been doing this for about 13 years, I still don't know what I want to be when I grow up. Now, Marketing has encompassed personal client outreach, analyst relations, industry knowledge, social media, community relations, and even more. What's a girl to do?

We talked this morning that maybe its OK to be a little scattered. It seems that gone are the days where you could hire one person to do one job. I like working in groups, I like volunteering, I like my social media attempts, I like project management... Perhaps if I stop trying to find my niche, and just embrace the mayhem that is "my work", I'll find the inner peace that I've been looking for.

I've been invited to join our Global Marketing campaign groups, flying into Paris to get face-to-face collaboration meeting time; I work directly with the service lines to make sure their vision is what we are selling; I'm working on proposals to make sure our clients are receiving the most up to date information. And at this very moment as I feel overwhelmed, I'm writing a blog about being overwhelmed. :)

So, how do I skim the top of all these projects, and still dive deep enough to create impact? I'm still working on that part. For now, I will continue working with my team to deliver on all our promises.

Question for you... is it better to under promise, over-deliver? or to Offer the moon?!

*Note to self: Used 7 Cliche's. Re-read first Blog post.

Social Media is not "Crystal" Clear for AMA Houston

We had no idea what to expect. Kayleigh Kannady and I were super excited to be considered a finalist for the AMA Crystal Awards and were ready to accept our prize.  My stepdad said, "When I heard Rachel had been nominated, it never occurred to me that she wouldn't win!" Thank you sir, I take that as a compliment!

Marketing Campaign - Medium Budget ($25,000-$150,000)

Winner: Atos Origin
Atos Origin in the Spotlight

I had just got home from the SapphireNow Conference in Orlando, Kayleigh was sporting a seven-month baby bump so we decided together to go business casual to the "Gala".

Wow, were we ever surprised. There was much glitz and glamour at the Crystal Awards Ceremony. I suppose we should expect nothing less from the people that do this for a living. Well done AMA'ers.

The venue was packed with over 500 attendees. The entire show was broadcast live by Omnovia. You can see us walk up (waddle up in Kayleigh's case) and pick up our prize. It was neat to go home and be able to show my girls after the show. See more vendors who helped here.

I was however a little disappointed in the build-up to the event. After jumping off the SapphireNow bandwagon, it was odd not to see the AMA putting on the same kind of show in the social media space. At SapphireNow, I had vendors coming up to introduce themselves in person, as we had been tweeting/facebooking each other for weeks building up to the show. It was really neat to see everyone come together.

SAP of course has a huge budget, and AMA is ran by volunteers, I realize that. However I really think we could join forces and do a little better at our online elbow rubbing. Maybe a little PR for the event? Maybe a dedicated twitter? Maybe a blog? I did like the idea of the projected tweets... that was cool.

Maybe I'm not looking hard enough. AMA Houston social media buffs, where art thou?

Super Social Sapphires - SAP marketeers know what they're doing

I attended my first ever SAP event known as SAPPHIRE in 2009. I had a great time. I was used to the way Oil & Gas trade shows worked, and this was my first cross-over event into Technology. If you're gonna do it, an SAP event is the way to go. Once you look beyond the unlimited Monster Energy Drinks, fancy coffee bars, and pretty little sandwiches, you get to see the energy that the conference holds. Different from 2009, I'm seeing the event managers stepping up to the social media market.

I already knew SAP was on the radar for one of the most "engaged" brands (right up there with Dell and Starbucks - wow). But I didn't quite notice it last year, like I do now. (This could be my own growth in the social media space.) Either way, these guys are doing a great job.

A website alone isn't enough anymore. You've got to be on Twitter, Facebook, and blog consistently about your activities. Gone are the days where people have time to read the entire event manual at once. We apparently like tid-bits of information at different intervals of the day. Like toddlers.

It is my job to make sure all the sales guys are engaged with the latest and greatest SAP marketing schemes we and the delivery teams come up with. I sent an entire newsletter all pretty, and jam-packed full of information. Once I sent it out, I get questions like: So, who's going? What are we presenting? Do we have a speaker? What is our giveaway?... grrrr... all things of course are in the newsletter I just sent out.

So, I might just have to step out of my old school ways and make these guys follow me on Twitter instead. But I'm sure I'll just get questions like: What is twitter? Do I have to get a facebook? Can you take a picture of me? ...all things of course are answered in my blog...

But, if you're reading this blog, then you are obviously ready to enter the new realm of communication. Congratulations. If you're one of our salesguys and you've seen this, then you my friend are AMAZING.

I'll eventually break through, no worries. In the meantime, catch up with these SAP Marketeers on all their different social media outlets. If the SAP Geniuses are reading this, please stop by booth #3121. I'd love to meet you!

...and yes, of course I'm already a fan!

Funniest current commercial. Period.

Seriously, these U by Kotex commercials are hilarious. They say all the things that people have typically thought about tampon commercials, but typically don't say. The commercial comes on, the family gets quiet, and patiently--everyone lets the ill-timed advertisement pass as quickly as possible.

But can a company make their "unmentionable" products funny? If I'm not mistaking, they just did.
More on the campaign here:

Never too busy for "Jazz Hands"

Sometimes when you're working for a corporate brand, you tend to keep your "creative beast" at bay. I just ran across this presentation in SlideShare. Love it. It deserves reposting, and is a friendly reminder that I need to jazz things up like I used to before I got to busy. And maybe, I just like the little monster drawings. They're cute.

...and just like that, its over

Wow... It hurts a little seeing this photo. The fish being scraped off the wall of the TOC in Vancouver. Alas, the show must go on--or I guess the show must close in this case. The teams have had there celebration parties and everyone is either ready to try to find some resemblance of their normal Vancouver lives, or they move back home, or they move on to follow the Summer Games in London. The room is all but a sea of monitors either turned off or running the screensavers.

Ward Chapin, the VANOC CIO was kind enough to speak to a group of analysts and sourcing partners from the US during a trip in late February. He said a lot of the equipment is sold or donated, and the infrastructure that was improved for the games is there for the city to enjoy.

So, my question is what happens now? We have had our first successful global/social campaigning with these games, and now what do we talk about? Do we just let the blog die? Do we start talking about London (its 2 years away!)

I was thinking our Olympic time campaigning is much like the Houston Rodeo. The event consumes a city, then its gone as quick as it came up. And if I'm not mistaking this is the first year for Houston Rodeo to participate in the social media space, where you live and die by how much you communicate. So will the Rodeo continue to their outreach on myspace, facebook and twitter? Or will the postings cease until next year's line up? ...maybe--just maybe they are waiting for Atos Origin to make the first move?

To be continued...or not? 

Cowboys Go Social: Rodeo Houston gives traditional media the boot

Last I checked, the Rodeo Houston fanpage had nearly 80,000 fans. This pretty much kicks the pants of other fan sites from in and around Houston. This fan base even beats the Houston Texans, who have a respectible 50k fans. The only major Houston fan pages that are above the Rodeo Houston's 80k (and growing) fan base is the Houston Astros and the Houston Rockets.

The Houston Rodeo has been in exhistance for 78 years, but their fan page is a wee FIVE MONTHS OLD! Seriously. This means that the page has grown 16,000 fans per month. That's nearly 600 fans per DAY. This is an amazing feet for any organization.

What I find personally awesome about this, is that I actually met the PR/Marketing Director Johnnie Westerhaus in a web promotional class about five years ago. She was the lone ranger with one(ish) web designer just learning how to enter metadata so people could find the rodeo line up. A few weeks later, I met Leroy Shafer at a direct mail association conference. He gave the history of the CRM system for HLSR, and how its evolved throughout the year.

I was drinking the kool-aid from that moment on. I have to admit my boots have had more dust than dirt on them, I could never pull off one of those awesome rhinestone belts, and most people can't even detect a Texan accent. I'm doing this cowboy nation zero justice, but I've got to be HLSR's biggest fan. And a fan because of their business (and mine) of marketing. These guys really know what they are doing. They have gone from posting non-searchable PDFs on their webpages, to eighty thousand fans of their facebook, twitter, youtube, mobile contest, and an incredible innovative website in just a few years.

You may have never thought of turning to the cowboys for your how-to guide of social media and marketing technology... but its definetly time to take notice. 
*My companies fan page Atos Origin North America is 200 members strong after almost a year of promotion. Maybe we should be more closely related to the Houston Rodeo? :)

Wanted: AMA Mentor

Ok, so the marketer of the year isn't me (dangit). But I have good reason! I just now joined AMA Houston. What was I thinking? All this time, I've never been part of any organized group dedicated to my everyday work. This is my first one. 

I've been to PRSA group meetings, seminars, and have even been to some of the AMA stuff. I just never joined. I think I am secretly scared that I'll get too excited about it, become an over-eager participant and volunteer (or get volunteered) to death. I'm not one to join a committee without being devoted.

I feel like AMA is something I can devote some time to. I feel a little better when I see things like their blog, their postings, their database, award ceremonies, and such that give us marketeers somewhere to think. And I really like the idea of thinking locally and with focus. One of my goals for this group is to find me a marketing mentor. No, I dont want a job from you, (I have one--Go Atos!) I just want your lunchtime, your brain, your years of experience, what worked, what didn't? Everytime I think I've mastered something, I realized I'm only at the beginning. 

So, fellow AMA-ers. I hope to meet you and lunch with you soon. 

I want to drive the Marketing Experience!

Wow, where have I been?! Apparently, Girlfriend Getaway is the new term for "staycation"... and Chevrolet has got the market covered in that arena.

I've heard the radio commercials that offered free massages for a test drive. Good for them I thought. But why haven't I heard of the Girlfriend Getaway?! Who knows, but I'm glad I did. The gig, find several metro based women to drive a Chevy branded car and blog, twitter, facebook, and vlog all about it on about it in front of the camera.

Now, I don't need a car for four weeks, but I sure could use a marketing high for a month! MAN! what a fabulous campaign. My hats off to Velocity Marketing for spinning this campaign. I really can't wait to see the ROI from this. The branding among women is phenomenal.

Looks like the first campaign was Mommy Madness in Houston. They had the Traverse to test drive. They were a bunch of soccer moms... pfft. I want a cool car. I'd like to take out some clients, video some of the "hoity-toity" women around our Houston Galleria office... Let's see what these chicks really think. The car looks fabulous. Would they even know what they were getting into? It would be cool to have a "hidden camera" type video blogging. I'd like to take a bunch of these IT geeks around. What do they think about the gizmos? I'd take my 16 year old daughter out with her friends... is it cool enough for them to be seen in? Will the valet guy leave the Malibu all shiney and up front at the Hobby Center? Will the Malibu go with my Cheetah dress when I go on date night with Toddy? Ah... maybe I should just do a secret campaign if I don't get picked. I'll do my own test drive! :) That would be awesome.

Anyway, its a great campaign. Get some known social media experts with legit backgrounds and steady stream of acceptable comments and reviews. Even if I don't get chosen (which you should totally pick me) I'll be watch the stream of comments from the campaign. But man! with all this campaigning... shouldn't you be easier to find? :(

With love, Future Marketing Engine --I mean Malibu Test Driver :)

Is my blog flat lining?

I have absolutely ZERO excuse for not blogging in the last month. I have been extremely busy with the Atos Origin Executive Forum for the Winter Olympics in Vancouver. (Ok, MAYBE a little bike riding with our CEO in Stanley Park) But what was I thinking? Because of where I was and the fan-fare around it, I should have been blogging non-stop. But my twitter was low, my blog was dead, and the facebook fanpage had zero entries from myself. (Thank you Queen Victoria)

But this is my own blog, so I can virtually pick it up and put it down whenever I like. Or no? The way I see it, people read the news or the "blogs" when the blog comes to them. I'm not exactly sure I've got any avid readers following me day after day (little creepy maybe). My vision is that people see the news feeds on twitter, have their google alerts all set up, and they check my blog when it happens to cross paths with their favorite searches.

Can I get a witness? Anyone hear me out there?

THAT SAID: I wouldn't read a blog entry or give it any credit if it were only one every 6 months. I wouldn't "believe" that person, or wouldn't feel such company or brand was creditable. I am very web-design-update-biased.

So basically, I believe everyone is like me and shouldn't deviate from my blogging patterns.



This was originally sent to me by the PR group at the USOC. I'm all about pitching in. Correction: I'm all about YOU pitching in :) Where can you help?! 

With just days to go before our athletes take the world’s stage in Vancouver, your support of Team USA right now makes a difference.  Each Team USA athlete has been training hard and dreaming big, waiting to realize their long-held ambition of Olympic and Paralympic competition.  There are many ways to help them continue their success!

AT&T Soundtrack Program
Help AT&T support Team USA by downloading never-before-released songs from top recording artists such as Mariah Carey, 3 Doors Down and Rascal Flatts. Ring tones and answer tones are also available.  All proceeds from each download go directly to Team USA.  Text “USA” to 2257 or visit for more information.
Support Team USA and dress like an Olympian! Visit to purchase the same gear the athletes will be wearing in Vancouver.  Start shopping now!

MyTeamUSA Rewards
Starting February 12, fans will be able to support Team USA and earn up to 15% cash back at hundreds of online retailers by shopping through MyTeamUSA Rewards! Simply register at and begin shopping at participating online retailers.  For each dollar a member earns through this online program, a matching dollar will be donated to the USOC.  Once you have earned at least $5 cash back, you can redeem earnings for a Visa prepaid card - or you can choose to donate all of the earnings to Team USA.
Visit the Pringles Pop Art Can Creator at This fun, interactive application allows users to customize their own Pringles cans with new Team USA designs.  For every can creation submitted and approved between January 25 and April 25 2010, Pringles will make a 50 cent donation to the USOC.  For more information about Pringles and commemorative Team USA Pringles products, please visit

Support a Sport
Athletes depend on National Governing Bodies (NGBs) and sponsors like you to help them reach their dreams.  For the first time, fans and donors have the power to choose which NGB to support.  Help your sport(s) of choice by donating now! Click Here!

Honorary Team Captain
Show your passion and support for Team USA by becoming an Honorary Team Captain.  For $100, donors will receive a limited edition pin and four postcards sent directly from VancouverClick here to learn more and donate now!

Olympic-themed NASCAR Diecast Car
NASCAR driver Kasey Kahne will pilot a special Team USA paint scheme on the No. 9 Budweiser Ford at the Daytona 500 on February 14 and the Auto Club 500 on February 21.  Budweiser Team USA Olympic paint scheme diecast cars are available for purchase through,,, Motorsports Authentics dealers and at the tracks during upcoming races.  All proceeds from the sales will be donated to the USOC.

United Airlines: Donate Your Miles
United invites you to support select nonprofit organizations, including the U.S. Olympic Team, through their Mileage Plus Charity Miles Program. With this program, Mileage Plus members can donate a minimum of 1,000 miles. We encourage you to make a difference by visiting United Airlines website and donating today.  Click Here!

Simon Says Rachel is Awesome. Right?

Seriously. I pride myself on googling eveyone, everything I meet. (I've probably seen your kids photos on facebook before your grandma does). Maybe I shouldn't be proud of it, but sorry, that's just how I roll.

So I google, search, and tag everything to come to me automatically. Then of course, Simon Elliot had to go and mess up everything for me.

Apparently, the Atos Origin Scientific Community has gone off and created a Social Networking Track. I really thought I was on top of this! Sheesh. But honestly, I can't say how proud and excited I am of this crew that this is finally off and running.

Simon says, "Rachel has a practical marketeers knowledge of social networking that will prove invaluable in the build up to Q4 this year."

Why THANKS Simon! What an honor. I'll do my best in being as social as possible.. wait, is that what you want? :) I kid, I kid... Now, lets see who can find this blog entry now that I'm on the Scientific Radar! Thanks guys, I can't wait.

Rachel the Scientific Genius* can be found at:
*The confirmation of Rachel's Genius-ness has never been proven nor implied by Atos Origin.

Why are we fishy?

I have to admit. I love this Atos Origin logo. Its just cool. But you may be asking, why do we have the FISH? I've done a little digging and here is the history I found behind it...lets take a look inside :)
Atos Origin and The Powder Blue Surgeonfish  
Why the fish?
It is our logo. It was chosen when Atos was created. It has become not only a distinctive and recognizable logo but the symbol of our values which in turn differentiate us from our competitors.

Future and nature is already a fusion for me.

 "According to the zoologist, future and nature in no way exclude each other because evolution, the constant development of all living things, is a future-orientated process, but however hard we try it is only understandable by us humans in the past tense." - Dr. Ekkehard Wolff.

If we take a superficial glance at the Atos Origin logo, one could say: "Yes, that is a fish; it is even a very beautiful fish."

Our fish was first scientifically documented in 1832 by a certain Mr Benett, who gave it the lovely sounding name of Acanthurus leucosternon. In English it is simply known as "the surgeon." The genus name, Ancanthurus, tells us that there is a sting on its tail. A weapon of aggression of the highest efficiency, its appearance and effect lends to comparison with a medical scalpel, and has thus given the fish its academic title.

In short, the surgeonfish has come to represent some of the qualities and values of Atos Origin: it is agile, efficient, responsive, bright and convivial. It functions in symbiosis with its environment but it can be competitive and defend itself with a weapon of "highest efficiency".

From a technical point of view, the surgeon is a highly specialized aquatic vehicle, and thus undoubtedly suitable as the logo emblem of a technology firm.

Must be something in the Atos Sphere TM

What's this? Cloud services branding without using an actual cloud? Well done, I say. The newest sevice launched officially as Atos Sphere TM today. As with any good corporately governed marketing group, the guidelines for this baby have been laid out well in advance.

First of all, the name is "Atos Sphere" not to be confused with atosphere, or atomsphere. Our main message to the public is that Atos Sphere allows you to "Shape the Cloud Your Way". This implies that we have several options for our clients, and no there is no standard. Then, we come to the SPHERE. I really like this look. It gives us creative types a chance to use some creative imagery. The sphere represents the cloud becoming "clear". Get it?

So, hip hip horay for the team. I'm glad you didn't use an actual cloud. With so many Cloud offerings out there, its getting harder and harder to be creative!

Help Wanted: Branding Genius for Accenture

So, its no surprise that Accenture has decided to cage the Tiger. I was thinking about this just last week. Everyone was waiting for the sponsors to start dropping off. But to me, that's not the big deal.

I've got my heartstrings being pulled by every in-house marketeer, every branding police, every agency, and especially all the designers hauled in to help the company. Of course the business won't fail because their role model is a flop... but a brand isn't just a picture on your home page. It has to be developed, thought about, argued over, drawn, re-drawn, scrubbed, then done again.

For now, I see several winter sporting photos on their homepage. (I won't even mention the fact that it looks very similar to the Atos Origin branding around the Worldwide IT Sponsorship). The traditional green coloring has been changed to red. I expect (hope) that the troops are rallied and taking their vitamins! It's going to be a long haul for these guys. I feel for the team that has been up for the last week scrubbing the internet for every flash banner, all that airport advertising, those huge billboards, and even the pop-up booths for recruiting. Good luck guys... I can't wait to see the new you.

The gift that keeps on giving

I was shopping at Academy this weekend and noticed this Mission Skincare product at the checkout. Hunter Kemper was on the package, so of course I noticed.

Atos Origin sponsored Hunter Kemper for 4 years as our USOC Olympian. Our sponsorship ended after the Beijing Games. He is an awesome role model, so I was estatic to see our Atos Origin logo "tattoo" showing on his arm!

I suppose it could have easily been photoshopped off, and perhaps no one (but me) would see it anyway... still I am excited. So, here is a link to Hunter's product line. Good luck my man!

Want to know more about Hunter? Here is a quick video wrap-up of a community outreach project he helped with in Cincinnati Ohio last year: